Introduction to Blender, in two flavors: for people who have used Autodesk Maya, and for those who have not.
Covers scene navigation, adding and manipulating objects (edit mode)
If you have used Maya, the first video is the one to watch.
The shortcuts used are listed below.
The video below is for non-Maya users
Shortcuts used in these videos:
Move around in 3D view: Middle Mouse (for Rotate. Add SHIFT for pan (technically dolly) and CTRL for zoom)
ALT/Option + rotate view > snaps to orthographic
Numeric Pad . (dot) – Focus on selected object
Home – Frame all
T – Show Tools on side
G – Move
R – Rotate
S – Scale
Limit to one axis: G + Y limits Move to Y axis, etc.
Shift-SPACE + G > Move tool
Edit (enter Edit Mode using TAB)
1 – Vertex selection (point)
2 – Edge selection
3 – Face selection
E – Extrude