This instruction video shows you how to create a simple chair model in Blender
Category: Modeling
Modeling a Head
Hybrid approach to modeling a head, using sculpting and Quad Draw.
Procedural Mountain Building
In this series of 3 videos I show how to procedurally build and texture a mountain in Autodesk Maya, using the texture deformer and simple node networks.
BlendShapes: Shape Editor
Morphing has gotten a lot easier in Maya with the Shape Editor.
Retopologizing using the Quad Draw tool
The Quad Draw tool in Maya is great for retopologizing a model. You basically draw a new mesh on top of the (probably way too high density scanned) mesh, Here is a video on the basics. To start drawing quads on top of an existing mesh Select the surface you want to re-topo (draw on) […]
Inserting an Edge loop around an Eye socket
A simple technique to enhance the topology of your model. The eye is boxed in and could use an extra edge loop around it, so why not just draw it in and collapse the resulting triangles? Note that the actual modeling is done without smooth preview. The Interactive Split Edge tool has been replaced by […]
Poly Modeling Demo
The following demo is showing the basics of poly-modeling in Maya 2015 on a Mac. Aimed at beginning modelers so I explain a number of basic Maya functions along the way. Hence the length.
Poly Modeling
Here are some notes on poly modeling (as opposed to box modeling, where you start with a basic shape and extrude / refine from there) In poly modeling we start from a single polygon and extrude edges to create adjacent polygons. It is always a good idea to create loops of polygons, around the eyes […]
Box Modeling Demo
This continues where the Hermit Tutorial left off. Refining the model using the Multi Cut tool, adding geometry using Extrude.
Building a Monkey candle
A box modeling example created in LightWave