Setting up a camera in Maya to render a 360 degree view for use in VR
Author: Wobbe F. Koning
Modeling a Head
Hybrid approach to modeling a head, using sculpting and Quad Draw.
UV layout after Rigging: Transferring UVs to a Skinned/Bound Model
Ideally you want to create a proper UV layout for your model before you rig it. Here is a way to create UVs after skinning/binding your model
Maya Basics: Setting a Project
Note: this video is also posted as part of Maya Basics: Project, Shortcuts When you start working in Maya, the first thing you want to do is set your project. That way you know where your files get saved, and the program will know where to look for texture images, etc. Remember to always check […]
Adding Controllers to a Rig
How to add controllers to a skeleton to create an articulated rig
Mostly Creative Commons licensed music, including: Instrumental Music for Film & Video (“Find that perfect soundtrack or theme music for your film or video project.”) A lot of tracks, good search (or find) functionality.
Rendering a Wireframe
Here is a way to create a nice wireframe playblast to show off your modeling skills.
If your scene is more complicated than your hardware can handle at 24 (or 30) frames per second, frames will be dropped (skipped). To make sure you view all frames in real time you can render a preview. In Maya this is called a Playblast.
Setting Focus Distance
In this video, I lay out a somewhat automated way to set the Focus Distance correctly when rendering with Depth of Field. It involves connecting a distance measuring tool to the camera.
Isolating Lights in the Arnold Render View
How to see the contribution of individual lights to the scene in the Arnold Render view. One minute video in the new series Maya Tips and Tricks.