This instruction video shows you how to create a simple chair model in Blender
Category: Tutorials
Procedural Mountain Building
In this series of 3 videos I show how to procedurally build and texture a mountain in Autodesk Maya, using the texture deformer and simple node networks.
Starting Box Modeling
Starting Box Modeling.
Part 2 of the Hermit Tutorial.
Adding Image Planes
Adding Image Planes in Maya.
Part 1 of the Hermit Tutorial
Using Revolve
This tutorial was originally published, and is no back, on and probably written by Travis. I slightly updated it for Maya 2016/17. Tools used in this tutorial Revolve (Curves/Surfaces) Revolve takes a nurbs curve, spins it kind of like pottery, and makes a complete 360 degree object. Set-up Set the menu set to surfaces.Make […]
Creating End Tables
Basic Modeling Tutorial.
Introduces Bevel.
Building a Simple Chair (Part 2)
Second part of an Introduction to Box Modeling Tutorial, where we add some geometry.
Introduces Extrude and Bridge
Building a Simple Chair (Part 1)
Introduction to Box Modeling Tutorial.
To get started with modeling I picked a simple object: a chair. It only requires some basic tools: Create a box, move some points, extrude and bridge some polygons and you have a simple chair.